Guidelines: Darmstadt Summer Courses 2014, workshop on tactile sound

Touchez du son !

…touch my sound…

Note: These guidelines refer to the tactile sound workshop that will be held in Darmstadt during the 2014 Summer Courses (August 2nd-16th). This article may be updated now and then, so come back from time to time. The call is available at the IMD website. Deadline for sending the material: July 15th, 2014.
: New blog post « Spectral and vibration response tests on wooden planks« 


The project consists of a chair with eight vibration speakers attached. The contact speaker model is Mighty Dwarf 26W.


These speakers will stimulate the tactile perception of the audience in eight distinct parts of their body. The chair will be presented as an installation, and people will be able to sit on it one at a time. The music will be experienced mainly through the body; however, the full range of the spectrum is audible. Two vibration areas will…

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